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We ensure your ideas always adhere to the highest level of security and safety.

Data Security

All of twek's services are hosted in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) facilities in the United States. Twek's services are spread across multiple GCP availability zones. The GCP zones are hosted in the United States and are physically separate data centers, protecting services against single data center failures.

Product Security

Twek only utilizes the highest industry practices when it comes to product security. Our standard operating procedures all rely on secure automation that is safe and reliable. We use this automation to send the changes to the google cloud infrastructure and all of the web-based applications we offer within our company.

Network Security

All data passed through Twek whether it be from your uploaded ideas to the very paragraph your reading right now is hosted over a secure protocol called "https". Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It is used for secure communication over a computer network, and is widely used on the Internet. We try to limit the risk of data breach in every instance that we can, we do not store information other than the essential information needed to complete the Twek. Immediately afterwards that information is then disregarded once the Twek is completed.

Organizational Security

All of our twekers (employees) and partners are required to attend our security awareness training as part of their employment and partnership with the company. This training is annually, ensuring all security measures are learned and enforced regularly.

Operational Security

All customer data in the form of customization and also profile data is stored securely in the Google Cloud Platform data centers (availability zones) to ensure availability and the highest level of security. Customer data is continuously backed up and stored off-site. The restoration of backups are fully tested every 30 days to ensure that our processes and tools work as expected.

Security Disclosure

Please contact us if you discover any potential security risks or vulnerabilities in the platform; If you have any security concerns don't hesitate to contact us. We take security serious here at Twek, help us to maintain the highest level of security for you and for the Twek community.